Care Plans &

Health Assessments 

A GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangement (also known as a Care Plan) is developed in consultation with your regular GP and one of our Practice Nurses with the aim to devise goals and strategies to best manage complex chronic diseases.

This may involve referrals to certain Allied Health Professionals (including Diabetes Educator, Physiotherapist, Podiatrist, Osteopath and/or Exercise Physiologist). Once a Care Plan has been created you may be eligible to see any allied health professional for 5 visits per year under Medicare. 

 Care plans should be reviewed every 3-6 months to ensure goals are being met, or to adjust as needed.
There are strict Medicare requirements for patient eligibility and this must be discussed annually with your GP to see if you qualify.

Health Assessments are available to patients aged 75 years and over, as well as for patients aged 45 to 49 years, annually. These provide an opportunity to explore your health and well being in greater detail than a standard consultation and may help to identify risk factors and your overall health status.

Our Practice Nurses may assist with information collection and basic examinations such as blood pressure and BMI readings and will work closely with you and your GP to co-ordinate any necessary follow up.